Monday, August 2, 2010


Regret is a funny thing. It can make you do something you would otherwise regret, or it can keep you up at night months after the regretful even happens Odds are though, you’re the only one still worrying about it. The only one who still hurts every time the subject is brought up or even crosses your mind. And you can’t move on or fix the situation until you forgive yourself for whatever you did, and most of the time that’s the hardest thing to do bar none. The road to self-forgiveness isn’t easy though. You have to accept what you’ve done and understand that it wasn’t life changing or that relevant to your everyday life. Odds are the only reason you felt guilty in the first place is because you built your hopes up so high that when you wound up failing you had no choice but to only take away that you are a failure. But the great thing about regret is that you don’t need someone’s approval or forgiveness, only your own. And without that you’ll end up regretting everything you attempt to accomplish. With it though, you wont regret a thing.

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